If you belong to a Read Workspace, you can take advantage of a setting called Team Report Access in order to automatically share meeting reports between members of your team. This is a Workspace-wide setting that applies to everyone in your Workspace who belongs to a team, however it can be disabled for specific teams (see below).
- How it works
- How to view or change your settings
- How to find shared reports
- Important things to consider
- Related articles
How it works
You can think of Team Report Access as creating a link between a specific meeting report and one or more teams. These links are created and determined when the meeting occurs, based on whichever team(s) the report owner belongs to at the time of that meeting. These links are actually always being created behind the scenes for every meeting that's owned by someone in a team; the Team Report Access setting simply determines the level of access that these links grant to members of the team.
Workspace admins can set Team Report Access to one of three different levels:
- Admin: only workspace admins can view the team's reports (if they enable global access)
- Manager: managers of the team can view the team's reports
- User: everyone in a team can view everyone else's reports
Given the potentially sensitive nature of meeting content, the default and recommended setting is Admin, so that meeting reports do not get shared with people unexpectedly or undesirably. However, many teams and organizations appreciate the increased collaboration, transparency, and efficiency that comes from automatically sharing reports and opt for Manager or User instead.
It's important to note that this setting can't be toggled on or off for specific meetings in advance, but you can remove this sharing from a report after it has been generated. If you have a lot of sensitive meetings or 1:1s recorded with Read, you may not want to change this setting from the default, and instead use other methods to share reports with your team (see related articles).
How to view or change your settings
For your Workspace
If you are a Workspace admin, you can check how Team Report Access is configured for your overall Workspace by going to Manage Workspace > Permissions > Meeting Report Access:
Although this setting applies to all teams by default, if you have it set to User, then it can be disabled for specific teams (see below). If set to Admin or Manager, it cannot be disabled on a per-team basis. The drop down menu under "Who can edit this setting" determines whether managers and admins or only admins can disable Team Report Access for specific teams.
One important thing to note is that changes made to this setting can apply retroactively to existing reports. Remember, the link between a report and its owner's team(s) always gets created, and this setting only changes the level of access that those links grant.
For a specific team
If you are a Workspace admin or a team manager, you can check whether Team Report Access is currently enabled for a specific team by going to Workspace Settings > Teams > [Your Team] > Configure Team > Shared Reporting:
This setting can only be changed if Team Report Access is set to User at the Workspace level. Managers can only view and change this setting for the team(s) they manage, and they won't be able to change it unless an admin has granted all managers that permission.
If your Workspace has Team Report Access set to User and then you turn it off for a specific team, the access level for that team becomes Manager instead. If the Workspace is set to Manager or Admin, then the team level setting will already show as off and locked. In other words, you can't opt specific teams in, you can only turn it on for all teams and then opt specific ones out.
For a specific report
The Team Report Access setting cannot be changed for specific meeting reports, however if it is set to Manager or User then anyone who is an editor on the report can see when it is active. They just need to click on the Share button and they'll see it listed under "People with access":
This example shows a report that's being shared at the Manager level. Notice that Team Report Access only grants the ability to view reports, not edit or share them.
How to find shared reports
Meeting reports that are shared with Team Report Access should appear in your Shared with me tab on the Reports page. You can also view them using the drop down menus at the top of your Reports page:
First you select the team, then you select the member whose reports you want to view. This is particularly useful to help filter down if you have a lot of reports that are shared this way.
Important things to consider
- Admins can always get access to a team's reports if they have global access enabled
- Team Report Access only provides the ability to view the report, not to edit or share it
- Team Report Access is just one way to share meeting reports in Read:
- You can update the sharing for specific meetings in advance by going to your Read Calendar page and clicking on the Share button
- If you're an editor on an existing report, you can also click on the Share button in the report to manually share it after the fact
- In the Share dialog box, you can type in or click on your team name or your workspace name to share the report with that entire group
Related articles
- How can I manage sharing for upcoming meeting reports?
- How does sharing upcoming meetings from the Calendar page work?
- How do I share a meeting report after it is generated?
- How do I get access to my team members' meeting reports?