If you are in a Read Workspace with other members of your team, you can take advantage of some specific features that make it easy to share and access meeting reports across your team. This page will explain those different options.
If you haven't yet created/joined a Workspace or added other people to it, you should review these articles first:
Team Report Access
Main article: How can I automatically share reports with my Team? (Team Report Access)
There is a Workspace permission, which can be enabled by a Workspace admin, that will turn on automatic report sharing for all members of a team. The three settings for this are:
- Admin: only admins can see all team members' reports
- Manager: only admins and managers on the team can see all team members' reports
- User: all members of the team can see all other members' reports
Note that "Admin" is the default and lowest possible setting, as Workspace admins can get access to the team's reports if they enable global report access.
Global Report Access
Main article: How do I view any report within my Workspace? (Global Report Access)
There is another Workspace permission, only available to Workspace admins, that will give an admin access to all of the reports belonging to members of their Workspace. This option is turned off by default for all Workspaces, and should be used with caution.
Manual report sharing
If you do not want to get access to all of your team members' reports, there are other options to get access to specific reports:
- If the meeting report already exists, you can use the "Share" button to share a report with specific people, Teams, or the entire Workspace. See How can I manage access to an existing report? (Share button)
- If the meeting has not happened yet, you can go to the Calendar page and click the "Share" button there to manage how it will be shared in advance. See How can I manage sharing for specific upcoming meetings? (Calendar page)