This support article will guide you through the process of setting up a Read webhook integration with Salesforce.
This guide requires setting up an Apex API endpoint. If you prefer a no-code solution, we recommend configuring Read webhooks with a no-code service such as Make or Zapier (see Webhook Integration with No Code Services)
Integration Steps
Follow these steps to set up the webhook integration:
1. Create an Apex API in Salesforce:
- Make sure you have administrator access to your Salesforce account.
- Navigate to Setup by clicking the gear icon the top right corner of the navigation bar, and selecting "Setup."
- In the search bar on the left sidebar, type "Apex" and click on "Apex Classes" in the search results.
- Click the "New" button to create a new Apex class.
- Give your Apex class a name
- Write the code for your Apex API. The code will depend on your specific requirements, but here's a simple example for demonstration purposes:
public class ReadWebhookIntegration {
// This is a wrapper for your Read meeting data
// Feel free to copy this class for your integration
public class ReadMeeting {
public String session_id; //SESSIONID
public String trigger; //meeting_end
public String title; //Meeting Title
public String start_time; //2023-01-01T00:00:00Z
public String end_time; //2023-01-01T01:00:00Z
public Participant[] participants;
public Participant owner;
public String summary; //Meeting summary goes here...
public TextItem[] action_items;
public TextItem[] key_questions;
public TextItem[] topics;
public String report_url; //https://app.read.ai/analytics/meetings/SESSIONID
class Participant {
public String name; //Participant One
public String email; //participant_one@company.com
class TextItem {
public String text;
public static ReadMeeting parse(String json) {
return (ReadMeeting) System.JSON.deserialize(json, ReadMeeting.class);
global class WebhookListener {
global static void handleWebhookRequest() {
RestResponse response = RestContext.response;
RestRequest request = RestContext.request;
// This will be a json body with your meeting data
String requestBody = request.requestBody.toString();
// Convert the json requestBody string into an object
ReadMeeting meetingData = ReadMeeting.parse(requestBody);
// Update Salesforce objects, such as contacts or opportunities
// with your meeting data
// Send a successful response back to Read
response.statusCode = 200;
- Save your new Apex class.
- To grant the required permissions, navigate to Setup > search for "Apex REST Services" in the left sidebar search bar > click on "Apex REST Services" in the search results > click "Edit" next to your new Apex class > add desired profiles or permission sets > save the changes.
2. Generate the webhook URL:
- In Salesforce, go to Setup > search for "Named Credentials" in the left sidebar search bar > click on "Named Credentials" in the search results.
- Click the "New Named Credential" button.
- Provide a name and an endpoint URL for the Named Credential. The endpoint URL should be your Salesforce domain followed by the Apex Rest URL, e.g., `https://your-domain.my.salesforce.com/services/apexrest/webhook`.
- Save the Named Credential.
- Copy the endpoint URL for your Named Credential.
3. Set up the webhook integration with Read:
- Log in to your Read account and navigate to the integrations page.
- Create a new webhook and paste the endpoint URL from your Named Credential
- Save the webhook configuration.