Usually, when Read generates a meeting report, it will use the title from the meeting's calendar event as the title of the report on Read. The one exception to this is when you manually add Read to the meeting - in this case, the report will be titled as "Zoom Meeting" or "Teams Meeting", etc.
If you are seeing that your reports are getting these generic titles as opposed to the title from your calendar event, you should do the following:
- Make sure that you have connected and synced your calendar(s) with Read.
- Confirm that your join preferences are configured so that Read will automatically join the meetings you want it to.
- When you start a meeting, wait for Read to join the call automatically (this usually happens 3-5 minutes before the start time of the meeting)
- If you're using Meet and the Smart Scheduler Chrome extension, do not click the "Yes, Add Read" button if it pops up from the extension. This will trigger a manual join and the report will be titled "Meet Meeting".
- If you're using Zoom and Read's Zoom App, do not open the app to add Read manually. If you're the meeting host and you open the app, this will automatically trigger a manual join. You should also make sure to not have the "Auto-open in Meetings" option enabled:
- Similarly, if you're using Read's Teams App, make sure not to manually add Read through the app
- If you're using Meet and the Smart Scheduler Chrome extension, do not click the "Yes, Add Read" button if it pops up from the extension. This will trigger a manual join and the report will be titled "Meet Meeting".