Sometimes, the coaching tab on a Read report will look like this:
There are a few different reasons why you might not receive coaching on a meeting report:
- You didn't actually participate in the meeting. Coaching results are generated specifically for people that were in the meeting and are only visible to them (you can't see anyone else's coaching results, only your own).
- You were in the meeting, but didn't have a Read account at the time that the report was generated. Coaching results are only produced for users with active Read accounts at the time of the meeting.
- You were in the meeting and had a Read account, but Read was not able to match your participant data back to your Read account. This can happen for a few reasons:
- Your participant info in the meeting doesn't match back to your Read account. Maybe you joined the meeting from your phone so you only showed up as a phone number, or you joined using a different account/different name than what appears on your Read account.
- You have multiple Read accounts (often unintentionally and unknowingly), which means we aren't sure which account to push the coaching results to and we withhold them
- Multiple people with your same name joined the call, e.g. if there are two John Smiths on the call we won't be sure which one to resolve to the Read account for John Smith.
As a general rule of thumb, you won't ever have coaching on a report that only appears on the "Shared with me" tab and not your "My reports" tab on the Reports page. Read needs to have detected your presence in the meeting in order to show your coaching results, and if it does that, the report should be listed under "My reports".
Uploaded reports
In addition to the above reasons, please be aware that Read does not generate coaching results for uploaded reports. In this case, you won't even see a coaching tab on the report: