If you are having difficulty finding a recording of your meeting for playback, Read has the following recommendations:
- Supported Platforms
- Read Didn't Join the Meeting
- Meeting Report
- After the meeting is complete, the Read Meeting Report will be available in the Read Dashboard. Simply select the meeting you are interested in, it will take you to an overview page, which will include a tab to "Transcript". The Transcript section includes a video player to replay the meeting.
- Host + Recording
- If you are using Read on Zoom, Zoom requires that the meeting be recorded to enable transcription as well as audio and video meeting playback. When Read joins a meeting, it will notify attendees that the meeting will be recorded. If this permission is denied by the host, Read will not be able to generate a meeting playback.
- Read Settings
- Please make sure your settings are correct to enable transcription. Visit your settings and enable automatic recording, transcription, and audio and video playback.
- Zoom Settings
- In order to support automated recording on Zoom, it typically requires that you have a paid Zoom account. If you have a paid Zoom account, please confirm your recording settings.
- How do I set my Zoom recording permissions?
- Why is Read not joining all my Zoom Meetings?
- Workspace
- If you are a part of a Workspace, the admin may have disabled transcription. You can request your admin update Workspace Settings and Permissions to enable.
- Account
- Based on your account type, there are limitations on the number of transcripts available on a monthly basis. Certain paid plans are required to enable meeting playback.
- What do Read's paid plans include?