For one reason or another, you may find yourself wanting to deactivate your Read account. Perhaps you unintentionally created multiple accounts and are consolidating to a single account, or maybe you just no longer wish to use Read for the moment. Deactivating your Read account means that Read won't join your meetings* or actively provide you services going forward, however your account will still exist and you can continue to log in and view past reports. (*Read can still join your meetings if invited by another Read user.)
Before going on, it's good to consider a few other options that are available to you:
- If you never intend to use the account again, you may want to delete the account instead. Keep in mind that any content and reports that are owned by the account will also be irreversibly deleted.
- If you just want Read to stop joining your meetings or to join fewer meetings, you can simply adjust your auto-join preferences
- If you're currently paying for Read and simply want to stop payments, you can consider just downgrading your account to the Free plan.
Deactivating your Read account is easy to do, and amounts to turning off various settings and integrations.
Disconnect your calendars
The first recommendation is to disconnect your calendars. You can do this from two different places, either from your Account Settings page under Integrations, or on the Apps & Integrations page.
On Account Settings > Integrations, simply toggle off the green switches on the right for any of the calendar accounts you have connected:
You'll see a pop up like this appear, to have you confirm:
And in the case that this calendar is also your default calendar for your Smart Scheduler links, you'll need to toggle off the Smart Scheduler links feature as well in order to disconnect the calendar:
Alternatively, you can do this from your Apps & Integrations page as well, you'll just need to click through each of the "Active" calendars and then click on "Disconnect":
Once you disconnect all calendars, Read will no longer attempt to join your meetings, unless of course it was invited by another Read account. This will take effect immediately, and you should be able to confirm it by going to your Calendar page and seeing no upcoming meetings listed. Note that you will continue to have access to any meeting reports that have already been generated on your Reports page.
Disconnect other integrations
If you have enabled any of the other integrations Read offers for productivity, messaging, or workflow, you likely want to disable those as well. These are also listed on both the Apps & Integrations page, as well as under Account Settings > Integrations:
Note that disabling the productivity integrations will not delete any of the reports that have already been generated, you will just not receive any updates to them going forward.
Other considerations
- If you intend to still use Read on another account, keep in mind that your primary email address is unique to your account, meaning that you can't use this email address to log into another Read account unless you change it to something different or delete the account first.
- In the same vein, you may also want to disconnect your SSO login methods, just so that they can be used on a different account should you so please. You can do this by clicking "Remove" next to each one under your Account Settings > Profile & Account.
- If you still want to use your Smart Scheduler links but don't want Read to join and record your meetings, you'll need to keep at least one calendar connected, but you can stop Read from joining meetings by adjusting your auto-join preferences.